Sing a Song NJ & BumbleSong Music Together Present Uncle Gerry & Friends - Benefit Concert!

By BumbleSong Music Together (other events)

Saturday, October 7 2017 10:00 AM 11:00 AM EDT

Join Sing a Song NJ and BumbleSong Music Together as we bring the beloved Uncle Gerry to our area for an awesome, music-making party for the whole family! We invite you and your children to come out and sing with all of your favorite teachers and Uncle Gerry for an unforgettable musical experience! 

The most beautiful part of our concert is that ALL of the proceeds go to benefit two charity causes that are near and dear to our hearts. We will donate to a local child, Jack Jacinto, of Hampton, NJ, who is battling cancer (#jackattack) as well as to The Ukulele Kids Club ( The Ukulele Kids Club is a charity which BumbleSong director, Nicole DeLoi, works with. The UKC raises money to purchase and donate ukuleles to children in pediatric cancer wards across the nation, also providing one-on-one lessons to the sick children, hosting group jam-sessions of their favorite songs, and works with Music Therapy programs within the hospitals to ensure that these children get every opportunity to make music, because MUSIC HEALS.

We hope that you'll join us for what is sure to be an unforgettable Saturday morning!